Andrewes Hall Theological College and Seminary
ora stude labora

Our Rule of Life

The following Rule of Life is an important part of our normal spiritual development while we are members of the Andrewes Hall community.

1. Make our lives an offering of praise, thanksgiving, and intercession to God through the disciplined use of the Daily Offices from the Book of Common Prayer, or some other appropriate devotion, corporately and individually.

2. Spend time each day reading and reflecting on Holy Scripture in an orderly fashion.

3. Receive the Sacrament of Holy Communion at least once each week, if possible, and on all major Holy Days after adequate self-examination and repentance.

4. Seek out a minister or a trusted and competent layperson to be your spiritual advisor and counselor. Meet with that person regularly for the purpose of assessing your spiritual growth and to receive godly counsel and direction.

5. Make and observe a spiritual retreat at least once each year.